Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Spray Paint :: Artissin Brand 12 Pack

New spray paint arrived today.  I bought some Artissin Brand paints to supplement the Evolve, Krylon and cheapo Walmart paints I already have.  What's cool is that I received a "personalized" thank you note from the company.  A nice touch, but the proof is in the can.  The price, 2.50 per was pretty good, especially considering Krylon is roughly the same and is terrible ( in my opinion -- Walmart brand is worse though).  I haven't tested them yet, but am looking forward to putting them to good use on a subway train inspired piece this weekend (work permitting, of course).

Artissing info: 100% handmade in North America (not sure if this means made in Mexico or the US, but really I don't care that much), "by writers for writers."  Check out the Artissin website here.

Artissin Brand Paints

New Spray Painting Video and Artwork

I was busy this week, cutting and spraying a new artwork.  The painting is based on a woodblock print of "The Great Wave of Kanagawa" by Japanese artist Hokusai. The painting took roughly 10 hours to complete, from design to cut to spray. I would have used acetate or mylar, but I ran out.  So, cheap brown Kraft paper was good enough for doing a minimal use stencil.

 If you like the work it's for sale at:

Side Note:
I came across the music of Jamie Smith recently with his remix of Gil Scott-Heron entitled "We're New Here."  The music used in this video is a Jamie Smith remix of Adele titled "Rolling in the Deep."  I tweaked it a bit, but I recommend that if you like it, you should check out both Adele and Jamie Smith's remixes.  I think he also does production work for the XX, a band which I'm still undecided about.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Das Racists

     Many may write these guys off as a bunch of "dirty art-house hipsters" dispensing repetitive novelty songs about Pizza Hut/Taco Bell combination restaurants.  On first glance the observation is spot on, given the irony laced subject matter and the hip hoppers Fresh Prince print, thrift store obtained, early 90's retro fitted clothing.  First glances can be deceiving.

The music itself is actually interesting and reminds me of such 90's alternative hip hop acts as De La Soul and the Native Tongues collective.  This may not be the D.A.I.S.Y. AGE (or it's digital sampling equivalent), but the comparison to De La Soul's '89 album 3 Feet High and Rising is a pretty apt comparison.

     One particular standout from their mixtape "Shut Up Dude" is You Oughta Know.  The lyrics and tune (from Billy Joel's "You Oughta Know") are playful and don't rely on real or perceived (see made up) street dreams, gun play, drug dealing, etc -- Rick Ross take note.  Instead each rapper comes equipped with a trove of pop culture influenced rhymes, many delivered in non-sequitor form wrapped in self deprecating humor.  Taken as a whole the mixtape is a good listen throughout, if lacking at times in consistency.  To this end, some tunes drag on a bit and suffer from poor production quality.  Also, the group could often stand another round of editing (both beat and lyrics), but the raw steam of pop consciousness approach is a clever diversion from other mainstream rappers. If you like this song, or mixtape, you may be interested in their other album, "Sit Down Man." 

New Banksy Keith Haring Street Art

   New (ish) Banksy outdoor street art.  The artist has been at work again on the streets of the UK with an homage to the late Keith Haring featuring his iconic dog image.  The shot is priceless, and leads me to think the photographer spent quite a bit of time lurking across the street waiting for his shot.  It's interesting to see one generation, if you will, of street artists recognizing and filtering the work of another.

Consume Idols :: New Stencil Art

: Consume Idols :: Spray Paint and Acrylic Original ::

What does Mickey Mouse, President Barack Obama, Sponge bob Square pants, the Starbucks mermaid, and Andy Warhol's Campbell soup can have in common? The public loves to consume idols.

The piece took about 5 hours to complete, not including the design time.  It's pretty large, 36" x 27" on gallery stretched canvas.  I used stencils primarily, but added some freehand touches.  The inspiration comes from Dface's "All Your Dreams" show from last year.

The piece is for sale at:  My Etsy Store
More Pictures are available Here

New Website Up and Running!

The website is up and running and should be fully operational by the end of the week.  All your stencil based street art, on canvas and walls of course.  More to come.  Check it out and leave feedback.

Also, new artwork is available from a number of sources, etsy, big cartel, and elsewhere.  Check the favorite links area in the side toolbox.

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